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Frequently Asked Questions


We have a map with all the available locations.

At the moment it is directly with us at or by PRoduce, Irizarry Meats, Wonderen’s Foods, El Viandón y Frutos del Guacabo

Yes, they are all made with organic corn, which naturally does not contain gluten. Furthermore, our factory is dedicated to gluten-free products.

Yes, we have a list of products designed for restaurant owners and chefs. You can contact us at 787-241-8650 and identify yourself as a chef or restaurant owner interested in our Foodservice products.

We will soon ship tortilla chips to the US through our e-commerce. In the meantime you can get them at Brands Of Puerto Rico

E-22 Ave Luis Muñoz Marín, Local 1 Urb, Caguas, 00725, Puerto Rico

We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm with the exception of some holidays. You can call us at 787-241-8650 to confirm before visiting us.

Yes, you can buy directly at the factory or at and choose the local pickup option.

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